Enjoy Nicotine Indoors or Outdoors at Quality B & B Venues

Staying at a quality bed & breakfast offers a delightful experience. From warm croissants to soft, fluffy pillows, the personal touches generally make the experience worthwhile. For vapers, there are usually restrictions. These establishments cater to multiple people, which means smoking or vaping indoors is usually prohibited. What’s a vaper to do? Here are a few options to alleviate the nicotine fix on the road.


Take a break to vape outside and away from the bed and breakfast doorway. Outside enjoyment of vaping products from https://www.haypp.com/uk/ may help alleviate nicotine cravings while showing consideration for the house rules.

Nicotine Pouches

Flavourful nicotine pouches available on https://www.haypp.com/uk/ offer another option for enjoying a nicotine infusion without the vaping smoke. Simply pop a nicotine pouch between the gums and lips to receive a quick and effective nicotine jolt. Whether enjoying nicotine indoors or outdoors during your bed and breakfast stay, https://www.haypp.com/uk/ has a variety of flavours from which to choose.
